Over | Kings Of Leon | Supertesti.it

Testo Over

I see it crash beneath me
I smell the winter sky
Look into myself
Don‘t pass me by
You dance in strange conditions with strangers of the night
I see you‘re crazy and so am I

You bled out red and blue
The boys of NYU, they saw you coming from miles away
Nothing is quite as homey, the drive leaves something in
They see you hanging you cast away
Oh, Don‘t say is over
Don‘t say is over, anymore
Oh, Don‘t say is over
Don‘t say is over, anymore

Bright lights, they made the city
The looks on christmas eve and all the good times, we‘ve ever seen
The rules we played together
The slaps across my face and brings new reason we write the scene

Oh, Don‘t say is over
Don‘t say is over anymore
Oh, Don‘t say is over
Don‘t say is over anymore

My angel hovers over
The light comes crashing and I know is how this, story ends
I‘ll hang around forever, until you cut me down
I‘m crossed and ready to face the crowd

Oh, Don‘t say is over
Don‘t say is over anymore
Oh, Don‘t say is over
Don‘t say is over anymore

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